Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today's Blopper

Today's Working Daze Blopper was really (in truth) mine not Rita's.  I know Twitter only gives you 140 characters but some how my fingers just typed 144.  I guess my finger's brain thought it was easier to type two 4's in a row.  I may have more Ed in me than I thought.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Twitter Fame

From looking at twitter is seems to me a quick way to determine how "famous" you are (Twitter Fame Formula) is to subtract those you are following from your followers. The greater your followers are to those that you are following the greater your fame.

My number is like -30. Roy's is currently -12 and getting smaller all the time.

So not only am I not famous but the fictional character I created is more popular than I am.

Monday, March 23, 2009

On Schedule

Hi all,

I actually got the new scripts for the new batch of toons over to Scott on time this week.  Well, pretty close to being on time.

I figure if I report in it will make me accountable and therefore I will stay on schedule or even ahead of schedule.

Now to get ahead of schedule.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Live Backgrounds

Hi all,

The more I see the "live" backgrounds in Working Daze the more I like them.

I hope you all like them too.

Scott deserves some kudos for putting so much into Working Daze.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Man, everybody is using or talking about using Twitter these days.  Even Roy and I have jumped on the twitter wagon. 

I'm still not quite sure what the appeal is. But I am trying it.  So far, it's kind of like facebook but with just the "what are you doing now" part.

Maybe I'm just jealous that Roy has so many more followers than I have?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A bit lazy?

Okay, I am starting to think texting makes me lazy. I was texting my niece and actually started thinking, "there has to be a faster way to type do..."

Yep, I was trying to figure out a way to save myself from typing 1 letter.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Freelance Life

Just wanted to "wax poetic" a bit about the life of freelance writer. Sure, I may not make as much money as I could be making if I kept on being a highly paid "web guru" database guy. Sure, I may not make the money of the big time writers. But I am still quite happy.

Here are some of the reasons:

  • I get to make my own hours. This allows me the flexibility to hang with my wife and son. This also allows me to drop my son off at school and to pick him up from school. It's a routine I have been doing for the last 11 years or so. Sure it's made him a bit spoiled, but I believe it's made us closer. Plus I like knowing where he is. (Of course as he got older it was more of a having a general idea where he is.)
  • It's neat having readers. Between Working Daze, my comics and my novels I must have around 100K readers. Not a lot mind you, but still enough. It's cool knowing that I make a few people smile every day.
  • I'm my own boss. (I guess this goes with the making my own hours.) I like not having to answer to anybody but myself. On the downside it's tough to complain about what an ass my boss is.
  • The money. Like I mentioned before it's not a lot of money. Very few freelancers hit the big buck where they can gargle with champagne. But if you put in the time and keep hanging in there and don't mind the rejects you can bring in some nice income.
Finally, I realize the freelance life isn't for everybody. The road to becoming a freelancer is paved far smoother if you have a significant other who has a "real job". (You know the type of the 9-5 job that comes with benefits like insurance and retirement and steady income.)

I'm just grateful that I have a very patient wife who has a very real job. It would be nice if someday I become one of those freelancers who does it hit big. (Can you say movie deal?) If that happens I can pay her back by giving her the option of an early retirement.

Until that day comes I'll just keep plugging away being happy with what I have.

Roy in Twitter

Okay, I am surprised it took so long, but Roy is now on Twitter.


Roy in Twitter

Okay, I am surprised it took so long, but Roy is now on Twitter.
