Friday, February 6, 2009

Man I am getting old...

The true sign that I am getting old is that I messed up the Princess Bride line in today's Working Daze. I am soooo ashamed of myself. It should be he's "mostly dead" not "a little dead". Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I wish I could say it was the "working daze spot the blooper" contest but sadly it is not.


Nothing to See said...

Oh, for shame! LOL.

KeithCMcCabe said...

I'm glad you caught that, I came here to point that out to you. But alas, you misquoted Python too. The quote King Arthur says is "What do you mean? An African or European swallow?"

Love your stuff, keep it up.

Beejsday said...

LOL I came to tell you about the Princess Bride one and I was thinking the other quote didn't look right either. Oh well we will forgive you this time :D
Love Working Daze keep it up.

Hari said...

This strip kind of reminds me of the time I got behind a car with the license plate "TYPE 40" and had to keep it to myself because my wife wouldn't have understood and trying to explain it would have been even worse.

Mad Amy Ttik said...

Woohoo 4 me. I feel younger! I love the movie, but didn't spot the mistake. = )

zia said...

We forgive you! It was obviously Roy's mistake, not yours! ;) You could always work with that and have a series where his co-workers tease him about how he should have known better. They could call him Buttercup for awhile. lol

Anne said...

If you were perfect all the time where would the fun be in that?? And although I knew the quote was "off" it still made me laugh. Love your work keep up the great job even with an error here or there.

Walt said...

After reading this one, I spent a couple hours searching my spaces for the bug.

Brooks said...

My memory's no better than yours so just had a good laugh. I think I like "a little dead" better!

Your latest ("Wilma") made me google Wilma and got Wikipedia on Flintstones which led to seeing Red Dwarf conversation about Wilma which led me to Netflix to check out Red Dwarf series which sounds fantastic and which I will now start watching

You keep introducing me to cool stuff! Keep it up! Thanks from a retired Geek.