Friday, January 6, 2023

Positive Vibes: We Can Disagree and Still Be Friends!

Jz's Positive Vibes.....

We Can Disagree and Still Be Friends…


It’s easy to forget that we can disagree with each other and still be civil to each other and still be friends. I’m certain that no two people on Earth will agree on everything. We are shaped by our own unique combination of DNA and environment. I understand identical twins have the same DNA but unless you keep them in some sort of identical lab setting (which is unethical BTW) they still have their own unique beliefs based on the different environments and circumstances as they age. I’ve seen identical twins really go at it when arguing. Which is fine. Everybody disagrees with somebody sometimes. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still get along.


This month I’ve been fascinated with NASA’s Dart Mission. Dart is a 250 million dollar project to deflect an asteroid by “changing its motion in space through kinetic impact.” In other words, they want to hit the asteroid with something to change its path. NASA doesn’t do this for kicks and giggles. It’s done because there is a possibility (however small) that we might spot an asteroid coming in on a crash course to Earth. A big enough asteroid could make us go the way of the dinosaurs. Therefore, it would be nice to have a chance to stop such an event. The Dart team targeted a 530-foot asteroid called Dimorphos. Now to greatly simplify this (due to my lack of knowledge and limited word count) NASA fired a rocket at Dimorphos. The rocket traveled millions of miles through space and hit its target. We got to watch live video of it happening. Which I thought was amazing.


A friend on facebook didn’t think so. They posted something to the effect of “OMG what a waste of 250 million dollars.” And so we dove into an online discussion. Here’s a hint to remember when “discussing” with another person: the world is filled with many grays, there is very rarely a true right or wrong answer. Keep an open mind and listen to what the other person is saying. I opened with a joke, because well that’s what I do. “I bet the dinosaurs wished they had a DART system.” We then exchanged views and opinions. 


The friend said, “250 million is a lot to spend!”


I noted. “While that sounds like a huge number 250 million is roughly 0.004 percent of the US budget. A small price to pay for potentially saving Earth.”


Other friends from both sides chimed in. Points against there’s a very slim chance of an asteroid hitting Earth. Counter point: Still, it’s nice to know that maybe we’d have a chance to SAVE EARTH. 


Another counter point: We’d have to spot the asteroid in time and it would have to be the right kind of asteroid. Counter point: Still, it’s nice to have a chance. 


Another point: Why don’t other countries pitch in to help? Counter point: It’s nice that the US takes the lead in saving the world. 


Final point: Rather see the 250 spent somewhere else, this seems like a waste. Counter point: It’s the US government they are built to waste money. At least this has a chance to do some good for the world.


We went on for a while. We all expressed our opinions and when the conversation was over we remained friends. Did we change anybody’s mind? Nah, but I hope we got each other thinking that there are at least two sides to everything.


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