Saturday, January 3, 2009


Hi all:

Just wondering what you all think of the new photo realistic images being added into the background of working daze?  I actually just noticed them.  I kind of like em.


Nothing to See said...

I noticed them and really like them. I remember thinking "Cool, there's a strip mall outside the window."



Unknown said...

I noticed them the first time they appeared and I loved 'em. I think they give a surreal feel to the strip, like it's just a half step out of reality. Plus you almost have feel of being in a real office park where these geeks would really work.

I loved today's strip.

Parson said...

The photos look good in the strip.

Anne said...

The photo's look cool. I admit I did not "see" them until you pointed them out (wonder how long it would have taken me to catch on?) But now that I'm aware of them I like them. Good addition to the strip.

zia said...

I like the added realism of yesterday's but I found today's photos (1/4/09) to be a bit distracting and ...well, weird. Maybe it was the angle or something.

But yesterday's were neat. I guess it's a matter of finding the right balance.

CaptainV45 said...

I think they are really neat, it is like looking out the windows of my own office and gives an extra parallel to the strips characters and the real world.

Barbara said...

I noticed them right away and loved them. Is that New Jersey?

Unknown said...

I find the photos, some very straight lines and typed characters rather annoying. They shows a definitely lower quality than simple, hand drawn comics background.
E.g. the former "you may be a geek if" graphic was really nice, but the new one.. uhh painful :(

Anonymous said...

I noticed them when they first made an appearance, and I really like them! Very cool effect - I hope to see more like this!