Saturday, January 25, 2014

Magic in Working Daze....

Hey All:

Just wondering what you all think of Dana's magic use in Working Daze.  Being a sci fi and fantasy writer who grew up watching Bewitched I think it's only natural to add a cosmic powered character (or two) to Working Daze.  I think it separates us from other office strips in a fun way.

But never let it be said that Scott and I don't at least try to hear the feedback from our readers.  (Heck we're too poor not to.) So we're running a little poll on if Dana should keep her powers.   Let us know what you think.

Oh, go Broncos....


JMD1961 said...

You should absolutely keep the fantasy elements of the strip. It's the main reason I keep coming back. Otherwise, you're just another Dilbert clone.

Unknown said...

I agree that it should be kept.
As long as it doesn't become the crutch which solves things, a deus ex machina then it's a great occasional distinguishing quirk of the strip.

For the hell of it I'll repeat an idea I suggested last year (I think. Give her a romantic interest, and make them either immune to her powers or have her powers go a bit wonky when she's having her 'falling in love' swooning emotional stuff happening. I still vote Andrew the graphic designer for the boyfriend.

Conehead said...

Yes, I think you should keep the fantasy aspects. I just love to see what happens after POOF!

TehKnuck said...

I adore it, it's what gives the comic its charm. Personally I'd like to see more diverse application, with Madam Shannon and Elena, there's potential for much more!

Unknown said...

So when Andre Noel was the artist, Dana had no magic powers and never got the revenge she desired on Rita because then she would be fired. Switch to Kyle Miller and suddenly she has "magic powers"? And it's still going on with Scott Roberts? You say "magic powers", I say Mary Sue due to you couldn't think of a believable way Dana could get her revenge on Rita back in the Andre Noel days.

Anonymous said...

Let her keep them. While none of us have them in the Real World, the escapism of your world and it's twist of reality is why I like the strip. That and the fact you do respond back to the reader's questions and statements.