The Ipad looks like a neat device at an okay price. I can certainly see my son replacing his Ipod touch which he uses as his "couch web browser" with and Ipad.
Now do I want an Ipad? (Snicker.) Well, and Ipad may eventually replace my Macbook when it goes but not yet. The Ipdad looks like it can be a great traveling device except when I travel I need skype and when I do skype I want video. I think it's a shame the first Ipad's don't have a web cam, but the first Iphones didn't also. I think (well hope) it's only a matter of time before we have Ipads with web cams which will be the ultimate portable skpying devices. We all won't be like it was on Dick Tracy with our little wrist tv communicators but this will be close enough for me.
Addressing today's comic rather than the blog entry... Was Carolina giving the finger behind Ed's back when he stood up?
My 1st question? Why does Steve hate Nebraska? ATT is not out our way (central) we were all holding our breath they would release an iphone to verizon then to not offer the ipad with verizon network capablities :( In regards to the ipad it will not replace my laptop however it will become my traveling companion.
Also I see death in the near future for kindle.
Even if I could afford one I don't see an iPad in my future with all the DRM restrictions it has built into it. Can anyone explain to me what the attraction is to have an expensive toy with so many strings attached? Maybe my geek-factor isn't high enough :-(
Dick Tracy rocked man... why couldn't it be that way? I bet Jobs made it and is keeping it secret.
IPad does sound like a feminine product. They should have come up with something a little more ritz for what it's supposed to do.
I'm late in answering this, (I answered it on the web site already). No, Carolina's not giving the finger. She's snapping her fingers, (as if to say, "Oh, darn!") It's a hard gesture to draw, and it didn't come across this time.
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