Scott and I are really pleased with the number of entries in our "I want free stuff" mouse pad / clock giveaway. Who would have thought that people like free stuff!
Well we're still letting a few more entires trickle in. We're also adding another another lucky random winner. All you need to do to enter is respond to this post.
Oh it would be nice if you read more of the blog too.
No me! I want free stuff!
Free stuff is the best and so is Working Daze! Love it. :)
yesss -- more free stuff!
i want some free stuff
My little puddykat demands a mouse pad for him to place all his little meecees on. He and I thank you. y the way, I live your strip.
Working Daze is great. i don't work in an office but I seem to know people that the cartoon fits every day.
Hey look a blog. Time to add this to my RSS feeds.
If the world were a logical place, men would be the ones who rode horses sidesaddle, and this why I want free stuff!
I like free stuff :)
I want free junk!!!
Love Working Daze. Makes my office seem kind of dull. Thanks for the great humor.
Sadly I never worked in an office where the Female Co-workers looked so well dressed, or most of the employees got on so well together. I like it!
Me, me, I LOVE free stuff
WooHoo!! More free stuff!!!!
I want free stuff
I love free stuff and Working Daze.
Would Rita approve of giving so much free stuff away?
Free stuff? I did not get my notification last time. Help an office prairie dog out. Free advertisement with the government!
Free stuff is good. Actually my favorite price is free!
Working Daze is awesome, and so is free stuff!
You wrote hoe instead of hope.
This is so weird. My Blogspot page came up with Korean text for the headers. Oh yeah, I like free stuff too, especially when it has to do with Working Daze.
OK, now that I'm logged in the headers come up in English. Man, that's weird.
The laughs are free, I'll be happy one way or the other. Thanks!
Free Stuff? No Strings?
Why did you write "mouse" instead of "I"?!
Thanks for the fun,
I wuld like some free stuff but only if it is free
Woo Hoo! If I win, I can totally throw away the one my wife had custom made with my kid's faces on it. Yay!
"I like free stuff"
I also like Working Daze and tried to infect five more folks with the 'retro-virus'. :P
I like free stuff. I like even more free stuff better.
Love the women in Working Daze
Once Again I would really like some authentic Free stuff from the working daze crew,Please
As much as an iPad would be kewl... what I could really use right now is just a new mouse pad... My old one ois so worn, that my mouse actually jumps across the screen at points along the mousepad. I know I could go out and buy one pretty cheap, but if I can hopefully get one for free ... even better... I spent almost $3K on this 24" iMac, you'd think that it would come with a lifetime supply of Apple mousepads !!
If I win this random drawing, and the other random drawing, too, do I get twice as much free stuff?
Hey, I want free stuff, too! Where are all the gals here? I only see guys' names. Or all the women disguising themselves because they're embarrassed to be caught reading Working Daze?
Free stuff rocks!
I had the same reaction to the name "I-Pad", but immediately thought of that old sci-fi movie about the 50-foot tall woman...
give me free stuff
Do they come with little belts? I mean, how do they keep them in place?
I really enjoy your comic strip... I work 6 days a week and on my day off.. I sit in front of the computer reading select comic strips to chuckle my day away while eating my meals or snacks. Thanks for bringing laughter to my days off once a week...
My husband is an electronics junkie so the strip really hits home...
I aso want free stuff!
I looove free stuff!
WooHoo!!!! More free stuff
Free Stuff is Good ! :-)
If I Win that would be a great incentive to read the blog more often.
I think I need the mousepad the more than you all. I live in a ditch and have to eat roadkill for most meals. The larger hobos all take the fresh stuff, so I only get their leftovers. I have been wearing the same clothes for months and haven't showered in over a year. And my mousepad is all shiny and the mouse slides on it. I went to the local box store and got an optical mouse. That helped some, but the shiny mousepad hurts a lot, especially when i'm playing TF2 and WoW. It's a true hardship. Won't you help?
Free stuff! Roy and I can't get enough.
I'm Ibid and I approve of free stuff.
I want free stuff! Plus I love the "window" scenes in Working Daze - they remind me suspiciously of my native tri-state area...
I Love Free stuff and I also love your comic! Makes me laugh EVERY day!! Lovin' the Rita wanting to buy Apple!!
free is one of my most favorite prices, but i'll go up to a dollar for the mouse pad if it's a nice one
I don't need more free stuff, but I want it. ;o)
Free stuff is good. Large amounts of cash and a full scale version of the Enterprise-E's bridge would be better. :)
Note: You can only win once. I am going to use a random number generator to pick the two winners from the first group and one winner from this group. If perchance a person who one the first time comes up the second i will generate another random number. :)
Will it be more random than your random word generator?
Free stuff is the best stuff.
I like and want free stuff, but shouldn't we be giving it it's real dues?... I WANT SCHWAG!
Gotta love free stuff... Yes I want some free stuff!!
Free stuff! Working Daze free stuff!!!
My friends are going to love Working Daze b/c I LOVE FREE STUFF!!
I only want the free stuff if it's got the hot chicks on it - or something funny. Since pretty much everything on WD is funny tho, PICK ME!
Free stuff is good! And so is WD!
I'll take your free stuff! And anything else you don't want! :P I do really love Working Daze too.
I've been following the strip for well over three years, but this is the first time I've visited here. It sure won't be the last though! Rita is the image of my old boss, and reading the strip makes me feel so much better about losing my job ;-)
However, since I still spend a lot of time in front of my 'puter, my old mouse pad is getting worn, so a new one (especially a free one!) would be so cool!
I'm part Scottish, we love free stuff! (& Working Daze!)
I would like Working Daze free stuff. It the humor and comic makes my day!
Love Working Daze.
Think I work with some of these characters.
Nice comic; and nice free stuff along with it (if I get anything, that is...)!
For someone who has been through a number of administrators, computer geeks and have been an administrator myself, Working Daze really "hits the nail on the head" about office life. Keep up the good work!
If I can't get a free Ipad (tee-hee), I'd love to have a free mouse pad!
Working Daze is the first cartoon I read every day. I like Carolina.
I would like the mouse pad but likely hang it on the wall
Free stuff for me please!
I want more free stuff. Heard about Apples newest?
Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost from $499 to $699, depending on cup and speaker size. This is considered a major social breakthrough, because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them
I’ll tell you what. If there ever was a person in the history of the universe to give free stuff to, I would be that person.
If you have some extra free stuff lying about after you've given away your free stuff, I'm in...
I love Working Daze. It makes me laugh every day!
I want some free stuff!!!11!1!1!!!eleven
Hi, thanks for the courteous reply to my "I want free stuff" post. I love your comic and will be sure to keep rating it.
I LOVE free stuff!
I continue to want free stuff, but in the interim, the daily cartoon is a sheer joy. I tried to share it on facebook but since you're copyrighted, I can be kicked off facebook for the violation.
Free stuff... mmmm...
It is obvious that you must have worked in some of the same places that I have. And, of course, you recognize that eveyone loves free stuff. Way to go!
I love Working Daze and I love free stuff ! Winning combination !
Steven J. Ackerman
Please Sir. I want more free stuff
Working Daze is a great comic! I always look forward to reading it. :) Thanks for the good work!
=looks at ragged looking mousepad on desk=
A cool new mousepad would be appreciated, please. =)
Keepme laughing
I want free stuff!! Great Job Guys!
Yay!! Free stuff rocks!!! But not as much as Working Daze!!!
Free Stuff? GREAT!
One more comment for the giveaway.
Working Daze is so awesome! The one where he is crying over David Tennant not being Dr. Who anymore made me laugh out loud, and people in my office were looking at me like...what is wrong with that girl!
Free stuff is always good
gimmie the %$#@*%$# mouse pad
Win or lose, I'll enjoy the "Working Daze" comic every day. I never miss checking it out.
Well, free stuff is cool, but Working Daze is even better! Free AND awesome!
Roy promised I would "win" the free mouse pad when I gave him donuts...oops, did I say that out loud?
I want free stuff too!
This has to have better odds than the lottery, so here we go!
I would like free stuff. Please please please
Greetings. I LOVE free stuff!!! I also LOOOOOOOVE your comics!!!!
I'm ready for free stuff.
Woot! Free Stuff!
What's up from the Dominican Republic!
Working Daze is the greatest comic I know of!
you should check out my comic at
I'd like a mouse pad!
I should bribe you for the free stuff, but then it would no longer be free ... Oh well, I never win anything, but I still love Working Daze, so I win every day when I read the daily comics.
I STILL like free stuff... (and clocks more than mouse pads.) I also have to be honest and say I find the Working Daze comic to be GREAT. (I especially loved Roy in mourning over David Tennant leaving Doctor Who!) The blog? Well, not so much - due to all the spelling, word use, and grammar errors. Yeeouch! Rather painful to read... (In all seriousness, if you're a writer, you already know about the necessity of proofreading. Tighter writing = more readers and better credibility.)
Big orchestral intro - picture a Viennese Ice Cream Vendor...
"Just one more Mouse Pad, geeve it-a to me..."
I only recently found the Working Daze and this is the first I've heard of the blog.
I'd love some free stuff!
I just recently discovered Working Daze and I love it!! I can usually relate to Rita really well, which is funny because I am a Rita.
As a new loyal reader, I'd love to have something for nothing that commemorates Working Daze.
Well.. I like free staff and what can I add more?? I cannot start working in the morning before reading the WorkingDaze daily strip.
Working Daze is great!! Some of my office mates fit the cartoon so well. Oh yeah, WooHoo FREE stuff!!
Will we get to see the design on the mousepad that is awarded to the winner?
I love Working Daze...I forward it to friends often. I think I know Roy LOL
pick me pick me
I think it is not so much that people like free stuff (though that is good!) but people like Working Daze :-)
I get free stuff every day when I read the comic already - a bit more "bling" wouldn't astray though.
Free stuff?!
Yay for free stuff, been a big fan of the strip for a long time.
Thank you for the cartoon! And the free stuff!
I love free stuff!
Free stuff of course we want free stuff!! Rosy is my hero!!! You want more ratings than dilbert! The only reason dilbert is winning is because people just don't know about you enough yet! You definitely beat dilbert any day of the week!!! Go Working Daze!!
Okay so I can't type....Roy is my hero!! he makes my day seem brain got ahead of my fingers....sorry alll!!! I still want some free stuff who doesn't???? :) (that's what I get for publishing my comment before I previewed it!)
I would love to have Dana's [ower. Sometimes you just want to zap them for being STUPID. I would love a new Working Daze mouse pad for my new office I just built in my house. Need some fun stuff for deco.
Hi, thanks for making me smile every day, at least the once. I really NEED a new mouse pad and what could get any better than a free one??
I want free stuff
Working daze rocks!!!!!!!
There are days when I think you aare watching over my shoulder - your striop is so write on. Keep up the great work.
I like free stuff
I want free stuff! When are the winners going to be posted?
I sure could use a new mousepad!
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